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It Ends With Us

Watched this movie earlier and I am baffled! The movie is beautiful on so many levels and I cry my heart out at how great it is 😭 So the book has been on best seller list since forever yet I never have the chance to read it but the movie is so good. All of the actors & actresses are top notch but best of all, the message that it delivered. It Ends With Us is a movie based on Colleen Hoover’s novel with the same title that talks about domestic violence. There was this denial part that they won’t acknowledge they had been in one, then it reoccured ‘till our lead actress realize that she had to stop it from happening again. For her daughter’s sake. “Either we break the pattern or the pattern break us.” Colleen Hoover says on her book and I couldn’t agree more. But it takes tremendous strength to break the pattern and that’s what this book/movie is about. It’s about strength. Strength and courage to do the right thing, no matter how hard. Domestic violence is not okay and it never wil
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