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Showing posts from October, 2019

Menjadi Perempuan yang Anti-Mainstream

Mainstream :           “Lifestyle atau benda yang lalu dijadiin kebiasaan yang sangat umum dilakukan oleh semua orang.”           Mainstream-ity menjadi hal yang sangat lumrah pada masa dewasa ini. Semua orang secara buta mengikuti trend baik dalam aspek fesyen, pola pikir, dan berbagai aspek kehidupan lainnya. Terkadang mainstream mungkin dapat diartikan sebagai “ fluid’’ atau “piawai” membawa diri, dimana hal tersebut memang dibutuhkan dalam beberapa situasi. Namun hal itu tidak selalu “dibutuhkan” dalam segala situasi, karena ketergantungan yang berlebihan terhadap opini kelompok akan berdampak negatif terhadap pola pikir, yaitu pola pikir yang tidak mandiri. Hal itu akan memberikan dampak buruk yang sangat besar terhadap kehidupan ke depannya. Pola pikir yang tidak mandiri akan menghasilkan mentalitas “pengikut”, yang terkadang mengikuti apapun secara “buta”, menyebarkan berita hoax yang tidak diketahui kebenarannya, bahkan hingga berkoar-koar mengenai hal yang tida

Learn to Let Go

Let go; letting go :           “An act of letting go; to free yourselves from self-destructive things. Be it a thought, a person, a feeling and anything of the sorts. To make peace with yourself.”           Letting go of someone or something truly is not an easy task, so easy to say yet extremely difficult to do. I just had a very tough day as me and my friend shouldered something we shouldn’t have. We got caught up in the middle of something so bad, which may affect our future (in a bad way, of course). A “bad luck”, so to say. We’re just some unlucky dude who got involved in some unlucky event, basically just being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Same old story. And so I got home, bursting my anger to an (also) unlucky friend of mine and sure enough, I ended up regretting what I did later.           As my head start to think more clearly, I can see fear as the main culprit of my raging anger. Fear of my lack of knowledge that will eventually lead to my teacher’s

Lemons of Life

         Lemons of Life or “LoL” it’s a new term that I made up just now as my effort to engag e with you all (LOL kidding xD). All of you’re already familiar with LoL in Lots of Love or Lots of Laugh but that is not the kind of LoL I want to talk to you about right now. My LoL is “ Lemons of Life ”           “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”           Once again I gave you an idiom that I’m also sure is not that unfamiliar to you guys. That idiom is true. If we really make lemonades for every single lemon life gave us, we will all be very rich by now. Because life’s threw lemons not just once, twice, not even thrice. Life threw lemons at us on every corner of our lives.             So the “lemon” that life gave us this time is the “love” lemons. I want to tell you that “the lemonade rule” still applies in this situation. That whatever happens , good or bad, make lemonades anyway . I don’t think we own love at all, it’s quite the opposite. Love owns us. Love i

My dad’s a hero to me

          “ Rust ridden fenders and doors full of dings,            Somehow he can fix about anything ”           (Not All Heroes Wear Capes - Owl City)            I meant, he really do. My dad. He can fix literally anything. There was this one time when we were on a holiday and my brother accidentally broke his glasses. It happened on our first day there (we were on a 14 days holiday, to make matter worse). I don’t know how he will be able to see for the rest of the holiday. So my dad immediately took his glasses, doing this and that (I don’t know what he did, I have a suspicion that he might have some fixed everything-pixie dust left from Disney World up on his sleeves or anything) and BAM! My brother’s glasses was fixed! And it’s as good as new! I could not believe my eyes.          He fixed me, who once was a sad, insecure goofball. He fixed me with his love. He gave me a new set of eyes that able to see the beauty of life through books, words, poetry, and writings. H

The Family Who Read

         I was raised in a family who appreciate reading. It’s all started way back when we were young. We grew up reading comic books, our parents often gave us books as our “naik kelas”’s gifts. So we ended up looking forward to books. I remember the feeling when we were anxiously waiting for our packs of books to open, couldn’t wait to read it as we already waiting for it for a long time. And as a continuation of that, by the time we were a teenager, we expand our liking to novels, and our house filled with fantasy books such as “Eragon”, “The Bartimaeus Trilogy” by Jonathan Stroud, books written by Cornelia Funke, “Maximum Ride” by James Patterson and the likes which supplied by our mother. So myself in particular found solace and curiousity in fantasy books.           So then we developed our love for books. Growing up, each of us found our own genre, as my brother likes “Haruki Murakami”, me and my father on motivation-filled books, and my mother stays with her love for fa

By all means, write!

Write, to write :           “ To compose, to arrange words into sentences and send (a letter, a thought) to someone.”           Haemin Sunim’s has a saying on his “Love for Imperfect Things” book that implies something like this : if you ever hear a voice-any voice that says you can’t write, then by all means, write!           John C. Maxwell also explains about the law of diminishing intent on his “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” book which said that the longer you wait to do something you want to do, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it. He also said that “later” is one of those dream killers so because I don’t want my dream to be killed thus I write this blog. No JK, I just have this dream of writing for a long time already and I realize that now is the time for me to start doing it instead of just “planning” all along. I begin “mind-mapping”, shaping my way into it but first of all, I start to take writing seriously. I asked people for feedback, I