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Showing posts from November, 2019

A Little Bit

     “ She's a little bit wild, a little bit mad          A little bit, oh-oh, beautiful          Wild, a little bit bad         A little bit, oh-oh ” (Crazy Beautiful – Andy Grammer)           We are all a little bit of something. A little bit weird, a little bit fun, a little bit funny, even (the latter is only for people dengan selera humor yang sangat merakyat a.k.a manusia-manusia ter-receh sedunia). And that is okay. It’s fine to be “a little bit” weird, not everyone will understand you and frankly, no one has any obligation to. You’re not everyone’s cup of tea and that is completely fine. You don’t have to like them and they too, don’t have to like you.           My mother often talked me into it, she made it very clear that it is okay to be me. “You don’t have to be anything you’re not, Kak. It’s enough for me to have you as you are. You’re more than enough. I’m grateful for you nevertheless. Those who love you, will always do. They won’t mind your weirdn


          It is on! Wednesday #shortstory is back! Please enjoy our work and don’t forget to add @noirose_l in your own instagram! Happy reading!

Welcome to Wonderland

“Nothing around here is quite as it seems Not sure if anything's real or a dream And the only thing sure from the start Is the song that's inside of your heart Don't let it leave” Welcome to wonderland – Anson Seabra ( )                     The “wonderland” that I’ll be talking in this script is about the wonderland of your dreams. My junior once asked me about my writings, “Where did you get your inspiration? How can you make such writings, a lot of them, even, in a brief period of time?” And I replied, “I get my inspiration from anything, from anywhere. It could be from my own past experiences, some words in a book that I like, a fraction of lyrics, movies or anything. And believe me, the more books that you have read, more movies that you've watched, more writings that you’ve done, and many songs that you've listened to will contribute to your ideas, it will makes your words flow like a river. Instantly.”        

Be Your Own Biggest Fan

         M uch of Haemin Sunim’s words of wisdom are ringing true to my heart, lingering forever in my head, piercing me to pieces while making me deeply and hopelessly in love with myself, my life and everyone involves in it.           “Be your own biggest fan” he said. Try spending time with yourself, treat yourself to a delicious meal, buy a good book, take yourself out to a nice walk, in the park, with a lovely view. It’s okay if we have flaws, choose a life that improves through failure and pain. Shout “I love you so much” out loud to your struggling self. It’s okay to have some bad days, because bad days make us appreciate the good ones. Celebrate yourself for making an effort. Continue to have faith in yourself. He also said that all of us are worthy of being loved, and it’s not and never be because we succeed at doing what the world demand us to do, but because we are a precious living beings, regardless of what we do or do not do . That our existence itself is enough,

The Ingenious Liar

          I’ve managed to collaborate with @noirose_l permanently! And what’s more? It’s for once a week! Woohoo! So you can see my work in their instagram every week, my short-stories one. Short-stories maybe more suitable for you who doesn’t really like to read long texts. So here it goes, enjoy!         (design by : @noirose_l)

What should I do

          A friend once asked me “What should I do at time of discomfort? Like when someone’s grieving, sad etc. I don’t know what to do. Should I hug them, give them some time alone, or should I talked it through with them regarding their worries? And the problem is, I’m not really much of a hugger. It will be awkward for me to do so. Also you do know that each of us has our own way to cope with grief, what works for me doesn’t necessarily works for everyone.”           So I said to her : Well, you must answer that question by yourself, as you know yourself the most. What will you do when such things happen? And if he/she knows you, they’ll be fine with whatever you do. They know that’s just your way of doing things. And if you still have doubts in your heart, just asked them directly. What would they want you to do, how do they want to be comforted? Do they want to be listened only or do they want solution? Do they want a hug, or maybe they want to be left alone, so they can c


          My very first project is the one in collaboration with @noirose_l to which they asked me to write for their instagram page. They asked me to write a short-story, with no more than 70 words! Gosh I never write a story that short before xD. It was quite a challenge for me but still interesting anyway! So, challenge acc epted! x)            The best thing about @noirose_l? They use 3 languages all at once! What’s more, it’s in Bahasa, English and French! Just exactly the languages I adore so much (I’m sure that’s why my friend recommend them to me). So they really are the best instagram page to follow if you are fond of languages and writings! But I only handle the Bahasa and English version though, since my French level is still low xD But I had fun, nevertheless. So happy reading!

What Language Meant

          “ If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” – Nelson Mandela           “To speak another language is to possess another soul” – Charlemagne           Language-fever struck me when I was 21 years of age (about 2 years ago), and I have not been healed ever since, which I want it to stay that way. For good. Language has been my life since forever. It filled my life with exciting adventures of learning lots and lots of languages. I have learnt Deutsch, Dutch, Spanish and French for the past two years while now I focus on my French only.           I first realized the importance of language was when I was doing my school-research, by that time I already knew some Dutch words and I stumbled upon one of the research (I was able to understand only the title, though) written in Dutch and I could guess what the research was all about! That was an eye-opening moment for me, as I re

The marriage of equals

          Speaking of the traditional celtic vow, one to two years ago was the first time I’ve ever heard this vow, and it’s been stuck with me from that moment on. There is no vow that could describe marriage better than this vow, I suppose. Especially the part that says “You cannot possess me for I belong to myself. You cannot command me for I am a free person."  But alongside that she also said “I pledge to you my living and my dying, I shall be a shield for your back and you for mine. I shall honor you above all others.  This is my wedding vow to you, this is the marriage of equals."           I promise you that I’ll be the best mother that I can be. I’ll shower them with lots and lots of love and affection, I’ll take a very good care of their well-being along with their interests. I shall give it my all for them. But I will not, and will never restrict their movements, I will not take their voices away, I shall not limit their thoughts. For they are also a pers

There Will Be Time

          Do any of you watch How I Met Your Mother? It’s an American sitcom about 5 very close friends hanging out at MacLaren’s in Manhattan, New York City for almost every single night of their adult lives. Always on that particular bar in that one, specific booth. The sitcom played by Josh Radnor, Cobie Smulders, Neil Patrick Harris, Jason Segel and Alyson Hannigan or you might know them as Ted Mosby, Robin Scherbatzky, Barney Stinson, Marshall Eriksen and Lily Aldrin. That brilliant movie was created by Carter Bays and Craig Thomas.           And if you are familiar with all of them, which episode is your favorite? My most treasured one is the last chapter of season 9 (chapter 23, I believe?). In that last chapter Robin asked Ted : Robin: How do you do this Ted? How do you sit out here all night, in the cold, and still have faith that your pumpkin's going to show up? Ted: Look I know the odds are the love of my life isn't going to magically walk through that

Blissful Ignorance

          Blissful ignorance : “ A fortunate unawareness of something unpleasant”           I’ve encountered a phrase from “The Awkward Yeti” Heart and Brain’s book when brain said “you really are a case of blissful ignorance” to heart. Heart is a person who’s so honest with himself, a little bit reckless, who wear his “heart” bare. He literally acted according to his heart. His books were so well-drawn and deep. He made it so enjoyable while it also got us thinking. Many of his words rang true to my heart.                   That particular sentence is the one I want to discuss at this moment. That “blissful ignorance” attitude is needed sometimes. Especially in this harsh world we live in, in order to stay sane. The world has been so crazy, and losing yourselves in the middle of all of that insanity is the easiest thing that you can do. We have to be a little ignorant to survive.             I didn’t mean ignorant in a bad way, of course. But ignorant in the way

Expectation Management

I exchanged view lately with a friend of mine, to which she said : when we talked about our problems with someone, we already know what kind of response that we wanted from that particular person. We have our specific wishes. By the time they didn’t meet that expectation of ours, we got upset. So we must manage our expectation instead. We can’t control their response to what we’re about to say, because they too, haven’t been prepared for what we will be saying. They haven’t gotten their “try-out” before, plus they also don’t have their second try out to make up for what they said to us. Feelings are so complicated, once we’re hurt, we bleed for life. That conversation gave me an idea to make an article about expectation management. I feel that most of our problems rooted from our own expectation, not reality-based. Our expectations hurt us. We want it goes this way, that way, in any way possible but the truth. I feel like we disrespect others by making our own assumptions ab