of Haemin Sunim’s words of wisdom are ringing true to my heart, lingering
forever in my head, piercing me to pieces while making me deeply and hopelessly
in love with myself, my life and everyone involves in it.
“Be your own biggest fan” he said. Try
spending time with yourself, treat yourself to a delicious meal, buy a good
book, take yourself out to a nice walk, in the park, with a lovely view. It’s
okay if we have flaws, choose a life that improves through failure and pain.
Shout “I love you so much” out loud to your struggling self. It’s okay to have
some bad days, because bad days make us appreciate the good ones. Celebrate
yourself for making an effort. Continue to have faith in yourself. He also said
that all of us are worthy of being loved, and it’s not and never be because we
succeed at doing what the world demand us to do, but because we are a precious living beings, regardless
of what we do or do not do. That our existence itself is enough, that each
and every one of us has our own value and we are worthy of love. We need to
believe that we are worthy of love for who we are.
So all of you who are struggling with
yourselves (including me), my-fellow-strugglers - let us together join our hand
and learn, one small steps at a time, to celebrate-and love-ourselves. Let us
pray and live our life in harmony. In harmony with our own struggle-and lovable
I’ve been blessed to have read so many
incredible books, listened to amazing speakers of TED talks, countless long-and
thought-provoking conversations with my friends, and a never-ending support from my
family had changed me significantly. They make me appreciate myself, and my
There are times when I’ve hit rock
bottom, of course. But they are, and will always be there for me. It’s been a
pretty hard-and long journey of finding-and loving myself, but I’m grateful for
each and every moment. Those are the moments that make me who I am today. So
I’m grateful, nevertheless.
Let us pray and do our best to celebrate
ourselves, shall we? May we be our biggest fan! And please remember that you
are not alone. You are not alone in your struggle. That we are here for you,
we’re here in every corner of every way. You
are not alone.
(photo courtesy of
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