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Showing posts from January, 2020


#weeklyshortstory is finally here! Another collaboration with @noirose_l Enjoy our work!

Perspective Diversity

   I love watching movies and discussing it with my friend. I often asked them, “What do you think of that movie?” my friend A replied, “I admire how the casts act. They were so great. I still couldn’t believe how she could absorb all of the complexity of that character of hers and acted it out. It leaves me speechless.” And then B added “It’s really cool how they made the cinematography. It was so well-thought, well-done and great. It still leaves me wondering how they can take that particular scene from that angle. It must’ve been hard but it paid off, nevertheless. It was brilliant.” Then C also added some spice into the game, to which he said “I’m really curious about their editing. How can they make such great movie? I wonder where do they learn to edit movie to become like that?”   That event enable me to conclude this one thing : even from watching the same movie, every single one of us is looking at it from a different point of view. One from its acts, one from its cine

New Resolution

It’s #weeklyshortstory time! Collaboration with @noirose_l. Happy reading!

Normality is a myth

   Normal, being normal : “Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected”    Being normal is a myth. It’s highly subjective, very personal-preference based. It depends on your point of view, “perspective-dependence”, so to say. Things that considered as normal last year might have been seen as abnormal this year, or maybe things that were abnormal last year are normal this year. Take online transportation, for example. Not far back we considered being picked up and delivered elsewhere by a stranger is scary, yet now everyone does exactly that. Online-transportation along with its other services has become an inseparable thing of our daily lives. Right now it is considered weird if you don’t use one. It’s weird for you to be confused of getting where you want to be, because life has never been so easy. Everything is just one click away. Salute for Nadiem Makarim for inventing Gojek, the greatest invention of our era! He has made our life much easier while brillia

The Life of Ours

“Wild” is a film that Reese Witherspoon played. A film about breaking boundaries, doing things that no one had ever think (or even approved of). Of a girl who packed her belongings, hiked Pacific Crest Trail and completed her journey in 94 days. A journey of re-discovering and healing oneself.    Well she did re-discover herself on that journey, though. She went through many check-points during her track in which she shared some words to encourage her fellow-trekkers. Her mind had been liberated and opened along the way. Liberated of all of her worries, her former self, her worldly desire. Her mind opened by so many experiences that had happened, people that she met, times and times of self-reflection that she had. It was a long and difficult road, yet she couldn’t be grateful enough for it. It was that exact thing that matured and shaped her to be a brand new version of herself. “My life, like all lives, mysterious, irreplaceable, sacred. So very close. So very present, so

Visceral works

Visceral feelings : “Basic emotions that you feel strongly and automatically; something related to deep inward feelings.” I have read some advice for writers of all ages lately on TED facebook page and I held some of them real close to me. “Writing is visceral.” they said. If you write something and you don’t feel “the butterfly” fluttering in your stomach then it ain’t right. You write with your heart and every single cell of your body. So when you finish your writings, you’ll experience an utter satisfaction after. Like every thought that ever dwell in your mind is finally out and you’re empty once more, an empty glass waiting to be filled with another great ideas. Then another fun journey of thinking will take its place and that circle of fun-ness will repeat itself over and over again. My whole family is a writer, be it my dad, my mother, myself and my brother. Some of our extended family from my mother’s side is also a writer. Both of my grandmother's sister ar

Valuable Things

There was this one scene in La La Land when Mia and Sebastian talked about the “Van Beek” jazz club that has been transformed into a samba-tapas place. And Sebastian, being a hardcore fans of the club did not approve that move at all. Then he said “But yeah, that is LA. They worship everything and they value nothing.” That comment makes me write this article about value. So what is a value? Value : “A person's principles ; one's judgement of what is important in life.” What is the point of worshiping everything, yet value nothing? Isn’t value is the one that makes our life meaningful? And I think this “value nothing” thing isn’t happening in L.A only. It’s a trend now, worldwide. Well we do value things, but not quite the right ones. We have been going through a value-shift on many things. Somehow, somewhere along the way people have lost their sights on what is important for them. They’ve been so caught up on what they “think” is important but truly, it may

Isn't Life Fun?

#WednesdaySS is back! Another collaboration with @noirose_l Well, enjoy!