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Home to You


“But I know I’ll be alright

With an open door, no matter what I

do, what I do

When I need a hand to hold

Would it be okay if I came home to you?

Sigrid – Home to You (


It wonders me how we’re able to have a Mother’s day, a Father’s day, but no day to celebrate both of them? Well, that curiosity led me into one incredible discovery: That we do have parents’ day! And some places around the world celebrate it already. It was May 8th for South Korea, fourth Sunday of July in the United States and at the first Monday of December for the Philippines. The United Nations (UN) even proclaimed June 1st as Global Day of Parents to celebrate parents’ in all parts of the world.

Earlier this week I present a poem for you about parent, about how “perfectly imperfect” they are. You know, as a child, somehow we give ourselves justification to demand perfection from our parent, sometimes we even continue to do so up until adulthood. We even make it our rights to have a “perfect parent”. Well, first of all, it’s not a right and it never will be. And second of all, such thing does not exist, by the way. Please get your head out of that delusional cloud. There is no way such people exist. No one is perfect. Not even them.

And despite everything, we must always remember that they always do their very best for us. With all of the hardships they’ve endured, tears they’ve shed, every single drop of sweat they’ve showered themselves into. They will always be by our side no matter what. Just like how they’ve always do from the moment we were born. They’ve supported us back then when we learn how to walk, they’ve supported us today and they will always continue to support us even in the future. They’ll support us whole-heartedly throughout all course of our lives.

I’ve done countless of funny (and a little bit heavier on the dumb side) things all my life. All of that soap opera kind of drama I’ve told them, I’ve literally bawled my eyes out so many times I’ve literally lost count on it. I was not always has the strongest of heart, you know. I think mine was one of the weakest. It was always a tug of war in my head. Between my sanity and my insanity. For 24/7's a week, without knowing when to stop. As if the term of “sleeping time” never exist there. My war with myself had been excruciatingly painful.

I’ve done so many stupid things during the process of my heart-hardening. I’d been a conflicted person my whole life. I was conflicted about my study, I was conflicted about others, and even worse, I had been conflicted about myself. About my worth. My sense of self was as worst as it could be, it was the worst of it all. And despite all of those weird things, despite all of those nonsensical things I’ve bombarded them with all years back, even an issue so big has ever known to men did not make them step back. 

They stood up by me. In every step of my way. They’ve supported me in ways that nobody else can. They hold me so dear on their hands and showed me the world. They’ve introduced me to many things that made me love life, they’ve made me love myself. I am not for the faintest of heart, you see. And they definitely aren’t.

I’ve been better now. I’ve been so much better. My whole world has been opened up, my confidence rocketed high, I’ve come so far from where I started. And I’m proud of myself to be able to be here, at this level. None of that could’ve happened without my parent by my side. I’m the proudest daughter on earth, it’s been such great honor to be their daughter.

As you all know, growth is a life-long process and it’s just plain impossible if we human never went back into that dark times of ours. I need to remind you something that our dark time varies for each and every one of us, mine was always with my insecurities. 

So if mine ever happened again, will it be okay if I come back home to you Pa, Ma? Because you are the only home that I’ll always want to go back into. And frankly speaking, there’s just no other place safest, more peaceful rather than being in your arms. You just have that “calming aura” that well, calms us. You'll always will.

Please give your parents’ my regards, okay? Please tell them how much you love them, how much you’ve been utterly grateful for them, and that they’ve meant the world to you. I'm sending lots of love to yours all the way from mine!

P. S : This writing was supposed to be delivered to you yesterday, so I’m sorry for my lateness but I hope you enjoy it still! Happy reading!


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