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Winter in wonderland

I remembered like it was yesterday. One day we suddenly decide, the next day we're already planning. Where to go, what to do.

When we tell them that we're going, they laugh but permit us still. Little did they know how serious we were.

Then the time of the travel comes, nervous laughter was heard all over the table, doubts were conveyed, worries heightened.

But we keep going, anyway.

Then we embarked on our journey of 8 hours flight, arrived when the night hit its peak. I never been to China, we do not speak Chinese and none of us have had travel during winter time, either. We really were an audacious (if not mad) bunch of people.

We slept at the airport for the night, we were separated because I got lost, we got yelled at in the bus during our way to The Great Wall, we experienced Toboggan, a slide so long, the wind was so cold I couldn't even feel my own hands.

We felt the gushing cold winter wind blowing up our face when we got back from The Great Wall, ate McDonalds a countless of times, we even walked Forbidden City for 3 hours while carrying our 8 kgs backpacks.

We slept in a sleeper train, ate Xi'An 's street food, saw many suspicious-looking food at Yuyuan Street, a night market in Shanghai. We strolled Summer Palace in the afternoon, witnessed the great works of Terracota Warrior and so on. We experienced the dullest new year ever in all history of new years. We discovered how big China really is.

We did an amazing things, you know. We got back in one piece after spending 6 days in a foreign land. And I wouldn't change our trip for anything in the world.

That trip is everything to me, it's my proof to the world that I am capable of doing whatever I set my mind into. That strength do lie underneath these prone-to-crumble package of a human being.

That life is great, and God is even greater.


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