Growing up in the
midst of “Budaya Timur” has more or less shaped our way of thinking, how to
behave, and the way we do things. I personally think that we implement the “always
put other first, even before ourselves” rule too much, too deep. There is
always two sides of the same coin, of course. But “too much” is never great.
That rule made us lose ourselves, somewhere along the way. And finding that “selves”
again, if not ever, is never easy. There is just too much unspoken pretty funny
rules in this crazy world that we live in.
The uncomfortable truth
The truth is hard, and harsh
It makes us shifting uncomfortably on our seat
It doesn't put us at ease
It makes us put our defensive mode out-front, more than ready to
devour the person in front.
Truth forces us to swallow our pride.
And pride, is a pretty big thing to swallow.
And the truth-tellers doesn't exactly have the easiest life,
They tend to be avoided by others.
It's like as if they're plagues.
A dreadful plagues, to be precise.
Because truth-tellers attack people's soul.
No one wants to be put on such difficult situation, in such
difficult emotion.
And to speak frankly, no one likes to be put down.
But those truths are the absolute necessities of life.
Because those are the most important ingredients of growth.
There is 5 stages of grief, I'm well aware.
Denial, anger, bargain, depression and acceptance.
Those stages tell us two things :
That anger is a phase that we all had to go through,
And acceptance will always be there, waiting for us, at the end
on the day.
Truth-acceptance will make us come back stronger than ever.
Way stronger.
Because what doesn't kills us, makes us stronger.
Ananda Khaira Azizah,
Pekanbaru, 4 Juli 2020.
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