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Showing posts from January, 2021

Leap Year

Sunday, January 17 th , 11.38pm.           I’m getting goosebumps, literally. And I’m pretty sure it was not because of the rain.         Amy Adam’s “Leap Year” left me hanging because of how good it is. A 2010’s movie where she co-starred with Matthew Goode. I was sceptic at first, of course, lots of critics talked about how cliché it was, with an uncanny script as to say that nothing’s special about this movie but they are dead. wrong. “Before Sunrise” had been my favorite movie of all times but now it did not anymore. Not after I’ve been watching “Leap Year”. It is now my most favorite movie of all times. Above all else. I’m glad I did not listen to any of those critics.           So, “Leap Year” talked about an Irish tell-tale that once every 4 year, at 29 th of February, a woman is able to propose to their man AND the man must accept the proposal, so our heroine did just that, she’s about to propose to her 4 years of a boyfriend, Jeremy. And let me tell you about this befor

For the cloudless sky

For the cloudless sky And the silent Chirping Of the birds   For the moon That colour the still night With bright yellow, Ignites the feeling of mellow.   For the sea of stars Right before our very two eyes Shining bright, Blinding, Charming, Astonishing.   Oh for the cloudless sky Is the only thing we could rely To mend our thoughts from disarray And be ready to try To start anew for a new day     Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru,  12 Januari 2021 10.30 pm.    (photo courtesy of

A Grateful Heart

When the night is still, The sound, returns.   When the night is still, The heart went bare.   The mind cleared, Soul cleansed, Hands, prayed.   For when the night is still is when our prayer reach its highest height, Up, up in the sky,   Up and above.   To a place where only He could know, To a place where all hearts mesmerized in awe, To a place where all of us will eventually go.   For a grateful heart, is all we could show.     Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 17 September 2020. 10pm.  (photo courtesy of  

Joy in Her

With joy in her eyes And grace in her heart She then ready To march and dive herself In a new start   For that joy in her That joy of her will always be there   It will always be there At the deepest part of her heart Engraved so deep And become  A part Of her Soul     -Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 4 Sept 2020. 2pm.  (photo courtesy of  

Why Oh Why

Why oh why Did you smile so widely, When you got those messages from yours truly?   Why oh why Did your face lit instantly When his face popped up in your head coincidentally?   Why oh why  Did you chatter so happily When you were talking about him, no matter how many?   Then a friend of mine once asking me :   "Now tell me honestly, What is it that makes you love him, exactly?"   To which I answered merrily :   "In all honesty, I love him because he is he."   Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 28 Agustus 2020. 7am.  (photo courtesy of  

The Other Parts of The Equation

Please beseech the other parts of the equation.   "What equation is that again?", you might said. "The equation of your words.", then I, replied.   "And to what end do your words was meant to be?", you ask me for the second time. "To the end of the word itselves. To the end of the world, itselves." then I too, reply you for the second time. My precedent narrative was meant to told us about the importance of our words. As it is as sharp as a knives, and also a double-edged sword, nonetheless.   For words build people yet destroyed them too. Words freed the minds yet imprisoned it too. Words do rainbows in one's day, yet thundered it too. Words fill our hearts, yet traumatized it too. So please, beseech the other parts of the equation.     Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 24 Agustus 2020. 9am.     (photo courtesy of

Beautiful Angel

It all started with a promise of two, To grow old together, in forever too. "For better and worse", one says. "Through sickness and health", the other replies. You've been so blessed by many, to be loved so deep and wholly by each and every single cell of our body. For our love to you is holy, For forever and always, truly. Happy 48th birthday, our  beau tiful angel! 🧡 Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 22 Agustus 2020. 1am.  

Tell Her That She Can, and She Will

I was tagged by  a friend of mine to post a photo of myself in order for us women to  #EmpowerEachOther  so I want to tell you about 2 things : 1. The picture below depict me in China, 2015. A travel of my life. I saved money for a year to go there, traveled with the itinerary of our own making, neither of us spoke Mandarin and none had traveled in winter time ever before. I got lost in a packed of people by myself, experienced the dullest new year of my lyfe, got yelled at ; was scared as hell, so worried that we'll be scammed in every steps of our ways, first time spending the night at the airport and on sleeper train, hiked Forbidden City for 3 hours wearing my 8 kgs backpack, went to 3 cities in a row. We traveled China for 6 days and experienced lots of new-and all-happy things, nevertheless! 2. I never told you why I took "The Little Women" as my name. Growing up, I saw that somehow our world focus only on its men, putting us women to the sides. We were ask

Table for Two

I will choose you Time and time again.   For every months of my years, Every weeks of my months, Every days of my weeks, Every hour of my days.   For every morning I've spent with you Has blessed me with a feeling of blue. The pretty blue feelings of me and you For we are meant to be together through and through.   For this world is a table for two, A table for two for me and you.     Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 19 Agustus 2020. 8pm.  (photo courtesy of  

It's good just to "be"

It's good  to be good, Nice, Fun, Funny, Happy and cute. It's also good  to be sad, Overwhelmed, Angry, Tired, Shocked and surprised. It's even good  to be an empath, To have simpathy, To feel melancholy, To love deeply, To work greatly, and to live life gracefully.   It's really good  to be anyone we want to become, To do anything we want to do, To be anywhere we want to be, and to love anyone we want to love.   And yet, It is also good to be "not good", It's great to be ungreat, It's fine to be un-fine, It is completely okay not to be okay.   It's really good to be we. It's really good,  just to "be" Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru,  11 Agustus 2020. 4pm.  (photo courtesy of    

Dunia Bilang

Dunia bilang Tenang, tidak usah rindu. Lihatlah sekelilingmu. Lihat keluargamu, Lihat saudaramu, Lihat kakek-nenek mu, Lihat orang-orang yang ada bersamamu. Bukankah kau sudah miliki apa yang selama ini selalu semua orang cari? Dunia bilang Tenang, tidak usah sendu. Lihatlah sekelilingmu. Lihat rumahmu, kamar tidurmu, kamar mandimu, bahkan lihat pada kacamu. Bukankah kau sudah punya apa yang orang lain selalu ingin miliki? Dunia bilang, Tenang, tidak usah risau. Kita tarik nafas sebentar ya. Belajar pelan dalam kehidupan, Coba nikmati hari tanpa kesibukan diri. Coba belajar cinta tanpa prasangka, coba belajar sayang apa adanya, Coba belajar usaha yang disertai dengan doa. Dunia bilang Tenang, kamu tidak sendiri. Kamu pasti bisa lalui ini, Karena Aku akan selalu ada disini. Menyertaimu di setiap langkah kaki, Menyayangimu di dalam hati, dan Mencintaimu di setiap hari. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 11 Agustus 2020.