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Showing posts from March, 2022

About Loving

Loving is not an easy task after all Because you have to do it over and over again But there is just some qualities of him that draws you in every single time. Some memories, Some small habits that he does in his sleep, in his wake, even at the in between times. Some things that makes him, him. The one that I’m forever grateful for. Happy 6 months anniversary, dear! Please know that I love you then, now, and forever. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, Feb 20th 2022. 2am.  

Nikmati saja

Sering kali kita bertanya Bagaimana ya nanti saat aku dewasa? Bagaimana ya nanti saat aku berkeluarga? Bagaimana ya nanti saat aku bekerja? Bagaimana ya nanti saat aku tua? Padahal ya, nikmati saja. Nikmati waktu sendiri, sebelum nanti berdua Nikmati waktu berdua, sebelum nanti bertiga Nikmati waktu bertiga, sebelum nanti berempat dan seterusnya Nikmati waktu sekolah, sebelum terjun ke dunia kerja  Nikmati waktu bekerja, sebelum nanti memasuki usia tua Lalu nikmati usia tua dengan keluarga, cucu dan sanak saudara tercinta Toh tidak ada yang tahu masa depan itu bagaimana? Yang tahu hanya Tuhan semata. Jadi ya, nikmati saja. Nikmati dunia dengan segala ceritanya. Ananda Khaira Azizah Pekanbaru, 16 Februari 2022. 11pm.  

No one’s perfect and none should ever trying to

No one’s perfect and none should ever trying to Because mistakes were made, that’s what humans do Learning from our mistakes is the only thing we can do For the better future we all hope to go to Sometimes heart breaks, Word stings, Life, broke All because we expect others to be perfect, except they don’t Because we expect them to understand, but they still don’t We’re only human, after all Nobody’s perfect and none should ever trying to Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, Feb 7th 2022. 2am.  

Handle with care

That is I, The woman one must handle  with care And never have I ever met someone so patient, so mature, so loving, Funny, yet lovely at the same time. The one who’s sleeping soundly by my side. He who endure my anger, my cries, my frowns, my silence, my countless anxieties, my deepest insecurities and literally everything this ball of unstable emotions threw at him Till one day this ball manage to find her smile again, And her days shine brightly once again. To my dearest, Rizky Harahap. Ananda Khaira Azizah,  Pekanbaru, Dec 3rd 2021. 2am.  

Who Could’ve Known

Who could’ve known That one can love this deeply That one can be this happy That life can be this merry For you are the reason of my being, The reason of my smile, my joys, My tears, my sorrows. For everyday has been a dream, Everyday has been a blast For a love that will forever last. I’m in love with you from the deepest part of my heart. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Rokan Hulu, Sept 6th 2021. 11am.  

I Promise to Love You

I promise to love you For everyday. For every earthquakes, Every stupid fights, Every blue mornings, Every mad evenings. I promise to love you, For everyday. Every smiles, Every laughters, Every tears, Every sorrows. I promise to love you, Through everything. From the first light of your morning, 'Til the last light of your night. I promise to love you, for always, and for forever. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Rokan Hulu, August 1st 2021. 6am.  

The Newness of Things

Nothing excites me more than the newness of things Of all things considered. Of new faces, New exchanges, Fresh experiences, New thoughts, New smell, New sights, New lights, And when it wears off, Its newness will always be remembered That it was once our beloved  Memories, feelings, insights, stories. It will always be remembered That it was once our beloved. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Rokan Hulu, July 22nd 2021. 6pm.  

Semesta Itu Bijak

Semesta itu bijak, Bila ia bilang  "Sabar dulu ya, belum waktunya." Maka memang begitulah adanya. Bila ia bilang "Bukannya tidak ada, tapi belum ketemu saja." Maka memang begitulah adanya. Saat ia bilang "Yang tabah ya, ini ujian dari Dia." Maka memang begitulah adanya, Saat ia bilang "Aku tau kamu bisa, jadi teruslah berjuang ya." "Perjuanganmu tidak akan sia-sia, jadi semangat terus ya." Percayalah bahwa semesta itu bijak, Maka ia akan terus lindungi kita, Dan senantiasa bawa kita dalam doa-Nya. Semesta itu sangat bijak, melebihi apapun di dunia. Percaya dan yakinlah Kepada semesta. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Rokan Hulu, 21 Juli 2021. 7pm.  

Kita Semua Sama

Kita semua sama Di hadapan Sang Pencipta Kekayaan dan kekurangan Kebaikan dan kejahatan Kecantikan dan keburukan hati Keteduhan dan keangkuhan Kita semua sama Di hadapan Sang Pencipta Sama-sama sedih Sama-sama senang Sama-sama lelah Sama-sama pasrah Sama-sama berserah Kita semua sama-sama berjuang Jadi mari kita tenang, Semua tarik nafas yang dalam, Jangan lupa bersyukur sambil terus  mengucap doa Agar Allah terus lindungi kita semua. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Rokan Hulu, 15 Juli 2021. Pukul 5 pagi. (Ditulis di tengah puncak gelombang ke-2 pandemi di Indonesia)