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Showing posts from April, 2022

The Precious One

Dear daughter, Please know that you’re beautiful, On the inside and the outside, No matter what the world tries to tell you. Dear daughter, Please know that you’re loved, no matter what mistakes that you might make. Dear daughter, Please know that you’re okay, No matter what decisions that you’ll thoughtfully decide. Dear daughter, Please know that you matters, No matter what road that you’ll carefully take. Dear daughter, Please know that you’re our precious one, For always, and  for forever. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 18 April 2022. 6am.

Beautiful marble eyes

Such beautiful marble eyes Glistening bright through sunlight Giving a hue of blue when it reflects the blue sky, A glimpse of glow when it reflects the rainbow. Such beautiful marble eyes Capturing souls of anyone who passed by Seizing hearts of anyone who wanders Handing grace to anyone who needs one Such beautiful marble eyes Overflowed with kindness Packed up with liveliness Glowing with happiness Such beautiful marble eyes Glistening bright through sunlight Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 10 April 2022. 6pm.

When the moon stares down to us

When the moon stares down to us It looks largely, widely. It gazes warmly. That even when it looks small, Placed up high in the sky, There’s no place that didn’t lit by the moon’s light. A lover, talking happily. Enjoying their night walk in the park, with summer breeze caressing their skin. A baby, cooing lovely. Laughing frantically at his mother made up joke, Even more so seeing his father funny gesture. It sees a grandfather playing catch with his grandchild, A grandmother braiding hair of her other one. Then the moon instantly thought : What a pleasant world this world is. You can see that love is in the air, Anywhere and everywhere. What a pleasant world this world is. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, April 8th 2022. 6am.

Halo Dinda

  Halo Dinda Bagaimana kabarmu? Apakah kamu baik-baik saja? Apakah kamu betah disana? Apakah kamu bahagia dengannya? Halo Dinda Bagaimana kabar ibu? Apakah ibu sehat-sehat saja? Apakah masakan ibu tetap seenak biasanya? Apakah senyum ibu, tetap seteduh semesta? Halo Dinda Bagaimana kabar ayah? Apakah lutut ayah masih sering berdecit, membuat ayah meringis, menahan sakit? Apakah ayah tetap jenaka, lincah membawa dunia ikut tertawa bersamanya? Halo Dinda Bagaimana kabarnya? Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 4 April 2022. 6am.

Hari Pertama Puasa

  Hari pertama puasa Mari kita bersuka cita menyambutnya Merayakannya bersama keluarga tercinta Dan merayakan hari kemenangan nanti di akhirnya Hari pertama puasa Mari kita mulai belajar lagi Menahan diri, Menahan hati, Menahan emosi Hari pertama puasa Semoga puasa ini membawa berkah bagi kita semua Dilancarkan segala urusannya Dikabulkan segala doanya Hari pertama puasa Puasa kedua kita bersama Mohon maaf lahir batin dari kita Dan selamat berpuasa bagi semua! Salam sayang, Ananda & keluarga Ananda Khaira Azizah Pekanbaru, 3 April 2022. 10am.