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Showing posts from May, 2022

Marriage by heart

I accept the marriage of us,  in times of sickness and health;  in difficult, happy and sad times,       to be together forever. I fully acknowledge that :   It will be one person for one life. We are one soul, yet forever two different people. A happy husband means a happy wife. A happy wife means a happy life. I am fully prepared to grow together only with you throughout the course of my life. Self-statement : I Know myself well along with my limits. I’ll do whatever works for me to make every life aspects easier. I’ll tolerate what is tolerable. I’ll never tolerate what is beyond. I’ll treat you well and you will too. I do all things that I did because I want to. I do everything because I love you. Promises : Learn to sweat only big things that will make massive changes in 5 years. Learn to let things be. Learn to be more flexible. Learn to chill out. Always find a nicer way to say & do things. I’ll do my hardest to fall into proper discussion mode at anytime.  I hereby state my

Tentang Karya

Kadang sastra dianggap bercanda Puisi dinilai tidak berharga  Pencipta karya dianggap tua Padahal sayang,  Tidak ada karya yang bisa dinilai dengan harga. Karya hanya bisa dinilai dengan jiwa. Dengan mata tertutup, hati terbuka. Dengan olah rasa, keapikan bahasa, dan kecintaan terhadap sastra. Kecintaan terhadap karya. Seni tulis, seni lukis, seni berbicara dan bahasa, seni peran, seni pahat, seni modern dan berbagai macam jenis seni lainnya, Termasuk seni berkebun dan meracik bumbu untuk keluarga kecil kita. Karya adalah satu-satunya hal yang menyatukan kita dengan diri, dengan  hati,  dengan fikiran, dengan jiwa. Dengan alam, hutan dan hujan. Bahkan rumput dan padang pasir. Sastra-lah yang menyatukan kita  dengan semuanya.  Karena sastra adalah dunia. Dunia kamu, kita, saya, dan mereka. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Sabang, 14 Mei 2022. 8am.

Marry A Reader

Marry a reader I guarantee that you Will marry a thousand person with a thousand lives Marry a reader I guarantee you  a lifetime free of boredom Because she think & discuss things a lot Marry a reader I guarantee you a lifetime of boredom too Because she (really) talks a lot (( 🤣 )) Marry a reader I guarantee you a lifetime of growth Because she keeps evolving herself, constantly challenging herself Marry a reader and I guarantee you a loyal friend Friend that you won’t find someplace else. Marry a reader And walk beside her Walk beside her and she’ll follow Walk in front of her  and she’ll bite Because she is strong, independent, fierce and beautiful at the same time. She’s her best self  at anytime & anywhere. She’s her best self At any time of the day. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 17 Mei 2022. 4am.

Fear Emergency Response

Hello, this is your fear talking. I need you to notice that you’re now precipitating harder, your heart is beating faster, your hand starts to tremble, your whole body shakes and you felt chill slowly going up to your spine. You can feel your ear starts to deafened you, you got goosebumps all over your body and you can feel your bile moving up your throat real quick that throwing up is definitely in your near agenda. And all that is fine. You’re completely okay. All those are our body normal responses during fear and you’re doing just fine, little darling, you’re doing just fine. Now I need you to walk through your fear with me, I need you to notice your surroundings. I need you to focus on the outside of yourself.  Please close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths and listen, what did you hear? Describe it to me in details. Now please open your eyes and see, what did you saw? Describe it in details, with colors attached too. Now focus on the temperature of your surroundings, what did you fe

Mia Madre

Looking at my mother I know how a woman should behave I know how a woman should see things I know how a woman should know things That we must behave accordingly. Effectively, politely, gracefully. We must see things ever so clearly, We must know things in absolute mastery. For ourselves; not for others, of course. We know & do things for ourselves, not for others. I learn how to be myself, How to appreciate myself, How to love myself. That it is okay to be me, It is okay to appreciate me, It is okay to love me, That being myself is completely fine. Looking at my mother, I know that We deserve to be loved fiercely, We deserve to be treated nicely, We deserve to feel free, to be free, to be we. We deserve to be we. And we deserve a partner that allows us to be. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Sabang, 14 Mei 2022. 6am.

Sebuah Cerita

Menikah itu bahu membahu, Bukan babu-membabu. Gaada yang semuanya langsung bisa, Semuanya langsung biasa, Semuanya langsung cinta. Seperti tahap-tahap hidup sebelumnya, Menikah tetap butuh proses juga. Dari yang dulu sendiri, sekarang berdua. Dari yang dulu mandiri, sekarang bisa manja. Dari yang dulu manja, sekarang harus bisa mandiri. Ia juga menggunakan asas tabur tuai, Jika kita tabur sayang, yang kita tuai adalah sayang, Jika kita tabur bahagia, yang kita tuai adalah bahagia, Jika kita menghargai pasangan kita, kita juga akan dihargai dengan penuh kasih olehnya. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Dan di atas segalanya, aku bersyukur partner fase hidup-ku yang satu ini adalah dia, Sahabat terbaik-ku di dunia. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Sabang, 11 Mei 2022. 7am.