I am freed by the time I fell in love with myself,
So much and always will be.
I am freed by the time I need to impressed no one,
For the only one I need to impressed is me.
I am freed by the time I realized
that I do not have to proof myself to others,
I only need to proof myself to me.
I am freed by the time I realized I am not accountable of their expectations,
For the only expectations I'm accountable for ;
The only expectations I need and have to manage is mine.
I am freed by the time I realized that my competitor is not and never them.
For my only and forever competitor is me and myself only.
I am freed by the time I realized
that I have no need to defeat them.
For the only one I need to defeat is the "yesterday" me.
I am freed by the time I realized
that I have the capabilities to achieve my goals,
For my goal is to become the "better" me than I was.
I am freed,
by the time
I accept myself as me.
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