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Showing posts from April, 2023

Less of A Woman

Having short hair doesn’t make you less of a woman, Getting a C-section isn’t too. Being a working mom doesn’t make you less of a woman, Going back to school mom isn’t too. Society often impose impossible things to us women the older we got, To excel in school, exceptional at home, To parent like we have no work, To work like we have no children, Et cetera, et cetera. Things that make us feel like  we’ve failed if we weren’t able to do it, even though we didn’t. We each just do our best in  million different ways. We do our best in million different ways. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 28 April 2023. Hari Jumat, pukul 6 pagi.

Ordinary Moments

I never thought that someday ordinary moments will become  extraordinary. Of meeting my husband, for example. We were very inseparable during our first year of marriage, Only to become so separable on his first year of residency. Meeting him become so hard, so rare, Meeting him become so precious. Oh, and small hours is our new appointment time. Each has its own beauty, I suppose. Of waiting for him to come home, Of feeling really blessed every time I have him around, Of seeing him sleeping comfortably, resting safe and sound. May God always grant you health, my dear, dear love. May He walks with you side by side, protecting you where my hands couldn’t reach. Both of our prayers will always be with you. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 15 April 2023. Pukul 2 siang.  

Home for My Family

I am completely, honestly, and   consciously enjoys being a wife. Of waking him up in the morning, Prepping his clothes the day before, To making him breakfast before he goes. It’s the small moments that we’re after, right? Those small, day to day moments that matters. And pretty sure I’m gonna be one hell of a mother too. I’m gonna do a great job of being a home for my family. ‘Course I have my fair share of mistakes, and my share of doubts, too. Like we always do. But we’re just gotta do our best, right? Kudos to all of us who always do their best, no matter what. You’re a true hero. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 4 April 2023. Pukul 5 pagi.