Having short hair doesn’t make you less of a woman, Getting a C-section isn’t too. Being a working mom doesn’t make you less of a woman, Going back to school mom isn’t too. Society often impose impossible things to us women the older we got, To excel in school, exceptional at home, To parent like we have no work, To work like we have no children, Et cetera, et cetera. Things that make us feel like we’ve failed if we weren’t able to do it, even though we didn’t. We each just do our best in million different ways. We do our best in million different ways. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 28 April 2023. Hari Jumat, pukul 6 pagi.
A writer, translator, traveler, photographer & diver. You can see my posts on instagram @the_littlewomen . Happy reading and enjoy!