I am completely, honestly, and
consciously enjoys being a wife.
Of waking him up in the morning,
Prepping his clothes the day before,
To making him breakfast before he goes.
It’s the small moments that we’re after, right?
Those small, day to day moments that matters.
And pretty sure I’m gonna be one hell
of a mother too.
I’m gonna do a great job of being a
home for my family.
‘Course I have my fair share of mistakes,
and my share of doubts, too.
Like we always do.
But we’re just gotta do our best, right?
Kudos to all of us who always do their best,
no matter what. You’re a true hero.
Ananda Khaira Azizah,
Pekanbaru, 4 April 2023.
Pukul 5 pagi.
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