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Showing posts from August, 2023


One day I’ll be able to eat my food in peace, I’ll be able to go to the mall with ease, I’ll have enough time to do all my hobbies, But not today. Today I’ll hold you close, for as long as you need me. Today I’ll caress your hair, and lull you to sleep. Today I’ll hold your hand, and hug  your little body. Today I’ll soak in your delight. In your smile, in your laugh, In your big, beautiful brown eyes. In your heavy scream & teary eyes, In your happy times and your bad times. Today I’ll be your mother, At the later days I’ll be your best friend, And for all days I’ll be your home. For today, and for forever. With love,  Mama.  

Heart can only grow

Heart can only grow It never narrow There is so much lessons, So much love & encouragement  I found during my 2 years of marriage With my amazing man His patience never cease to amaze me His love never fails me, not even once.  The way he cherish me baffles me sometimes. The way we grow more and more unto each other for each passing day, The way we laugh at things, the way we talk reminds me that things has changed but some things still remains. The love that still there, No matter how far & how long we’re apart, We’re simply grateful for each other. So heart can only grow, It never narrow. Happy 2nd wedding anniversary, dearest! Best wishes for us always,  Lots of cuddles, lots of love!  🤍 Xoxo,  Ananda.

Seiring abang berproses

Seiring abang berproses Papamama juga berproses  bareng abang ya nak Terimakasih sudah membersamai kami  dalam fase hidup yang baru ini. Abang baeknya mama, Abang pintarnya mama, Abang sayangnya mama. Abang yang awalnya belum tau jam tidur   sekarang otomatis bangun tiap 2 jam, Abang yang dulu belum tau siang malam  sekarang udah mulai paham, Abang yang bisa main sendiri, Abang yang bisa tidur sendiri, Abang yang kalau bobo sering senyum-senyum sendiri, Abang yang papamama sayangi lebih dari diri kami sendiri. Terimakasih telah menjadi anak yang baik ya nak, terimakasih telah hadir dalam hidup kami. Selamat ulang minggu, Tondi. Kami sayang abang. Ttd, Papamama