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Showing posts from September, 2023

How much longer

How much longer will he ever be this small? Sleeping soundly on my tired arms, Smiling unconsciously while making cute sounds all the time. I know time moves like a jaguar But I really hope for it to stop at this moment, Giving me enough time to soak on these precious, precious moments I live in. Time where I watch my baby grows. Oh how he grows stronger, healthier,  and happier as time goes by. My darling boy,  You have no idea how much mama loves you. A million thankyou for you to choose me to be yours, and the gratitude is mine for being able  to surf life together with you. May time have mercy to us all. With love,  Mama.  

Halo papa

Halo papa, Terimakasih sudah berjuang ya. Terimakasih sudah bersemangat berangkat sekolah setiap hari, Belajar tanpa henti dan menyempatkan waktu untuk kami di penghujung hari. Terimakasih sudah tersenyum, Terimakasih sudah tertawa, Terimakasih sudah berbagi  suka & duka bersama kami selama ini. Di bulan-bulan papa jauh dari kami, Ketahuilah bahwa kami selalu sertai papa dengan doa.  Doa tanpa henti, untuk keselamatan  & kesehatan suami yang jauh disana. Sehat selalu ya, sayang. Sehat dan semangat selalu, semua pasti akan berlalu. Kami persembahkan surat ini untukmu, Yang sedang berjuang keras demi keluarga. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 13 September 2023. Hari Rabu, pukul 2 pagi.

Most amazing feeling

Seeing my husband being a father Is the most amazing feeling In the whole world There’s nothing quite like it. The way he looks at him with such adoration in his eyes, mixed with disbelief and pure happiness He literally never took his eyes off him. The way he hold him, The way he talks to him, The way he sings to the baby. Their connection was so mesmerizing to watch, though. His calm demeanor affects him almost instantly. So my baby stops crying and just, calmly and curiously listening to his  father’s voice. Incredible. I’m thankful to be able to witness all of this first  hand, and couldn’t wait to grow more with these two lovely people. So cheers to many,  many adventures  to come!  🤍 Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 6 September 2023. Pukul 9 pagi.