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Showing posts from December, 2023

Loading Prayers

God please let me be joyful and grateful for the years to come So I can be at my best For my family God please let me be healthy & merry So I can provide for my family To the best of my ability God please place the strength in me To overcome any hardships that goes my way and be resilient in every way God please let us be happy Be sad and be worry, for it is part of what being a human is meant to be God please, please watch over us dearly For we walk for you, live in you &  pray to you in every moment we see. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 30 Desember 2023. Hari Sabtu, pukul 6 pagi.  

Time will be surely missed

This is the time I will surely miss Time when he was this little.  I’ll miss the way he put both feet on my thigh when he breastfeed; tiny hands tightly holding mine all the time. The way he looks at me in his half-awake hazy state only to give small; super adorable smile before drifting  back to sleep. The way he shrieks with delight  when he find that something is funny; The big laughs & desire to play with no hint of exhaustion. All become a core memory of mine, As I wish how it will be for him too. This truly is the best time of my life And I’m so, very grateful for it. So please enjoy yourself & your baby, mama.  Because time only move forwards,  never backwards. Believe me, These are the time That you will surely missed. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 24 Desember 2023. Hari Minggu, pukul 4 pagi.  

Validation of Feelings

Mama, my face feels hot. My heart’s racing & my head’s hurt, I feel like I’m about to explode. That is anger that you feel, my child. And it is okay to be angry. Mama, my heart is heavy. I don’t feel so good right now, I feel like I’m about to break down. That is sadness that you feel, my child. And it is okay to be sad. Mama, I’m overwhelmed. I feel like my head is all over the place and my thoughts is such a big mess. That is worry that you feel, my child. And it is okay to be worried. Mama, I feel really good. Like my heart is about to jump out of my body, I’m unable to contain my feelings. That is joy that you feel, my child. And it is okay to feel joy. Be it joy, sadness, happiness, anger, or even worry. All  emotions are as important as they could ever be  🤍 Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 5 Desember 2023. Hari Selasa, pukul 11 malam.  

My sweet, sweet boy

My sweet, sweet boy Please slow your growth just a little, Because mama won’t be able to catch up at all. My sweet, sweet boy Please, oh please be well, Because mama can’t bear to see you unwell. My sweet, sweet boy Please, oh please be kind, Be the light and joy  In this world of unkind. My sweet, sweet boy Be courageous as you may For the light that you shine today Will be forever stay. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 13 Desember 2023. Hari Rabu, pukul 1 siang.  

The Odd Hours

In the odd hours where we have the time of the day; where we watch our child sleeping safely, breathing peacefully on his bed. A million, gazillion thoughts going on our mind at the same time. Train of thoughts that never seem to slow down. They never seem to slow down. The worry about the family, the worry about me, the worry about them, their future & their story. “What a worrywart mother.” You might say. Well that’s the problem about a mother; and a writer. We worry, then we write them down. We tell you a story, then we write them down. All in the odd hours of the day. These hours become my hours now, and I’m loving them now as ever. I’m loving my life to a tee, for the blissful days that I got to be! And thank you, a million thank you for always listening to my story! Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 9 Desember 2023. Hari Sabtu, pukul 4 pagi.  

Her Happiness

Her happiness lies Within the four walls of her home. On her husband’s smile, Her childrens’ health, Her family’s laughter. It was never somewhere else. Never somewhere else. Kissing my baby’s cheek while  gently rocking him to sleep, Watching his small smile slowly formed on his beautiful lips, Those were the moments I lived for. Never knew happiness was this simple but it is. Never knew I could be this happy but I am.  Life truly works in mysterious ways. Love truly works in mysterious ways. It works in many ways, way more than one. Ananda Khaira Azizah, Pekanbaru, 5 Desember 2023. Pukul 8 malam.