I don’t know how he fitted so well still into mama’s hands. I mean, the baby grew;
yet my hand expands. No matter
how big he gets.
Just exactly like my heart.
It expand so, so wide I can’t even see
the edges. My heart expand so wide
For my love to my family.
And my marriage?
Three years in and everything
just falls into place.
Our habits, the shared stories,
the laughters, even our mindsets
really starts to align.
Sure we still have our differences but
boy did we begin to merge into one.
One soul within two bodies.
It’s really amazing what
marriage can do.
But what is three compared to eternity,
So cheers to us and more story,
And I’m forever grateful
for my family.
Ananda Khaira Azizah,
Pekanbaru, 9 Januari 2024.
Hari Selasa, pukul 7 pagi.
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