A child never see grapes in its full form, right? They never see them in clusters, only one single grapes already been picked from the other.
That’s what happen with people life’s story too. We never knew their whole story. We only knew one bits of so many others.
The ones we knew were the ones they disclose for the whole world to see. And the ones they don’t? Well, only them knows.
So you better be kind because we don’t know what kind of things they currently been dealt with and what experiences they’ve been going through.
Just give them the benefit of the doubt and move on. Please, oh just please stop picking on people.
Trust that every decision they’ve made had been thought carefully with dozens of considerations, along with its pros and cons.
If you don’t trust humans, well,
at least put your trust in their
humanity, and yours.
Ananda Khaira Azizah,
Pekanbaru, 17 Desember 2024.
Hari Selasa, pukul 8 malam.
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